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To Start Your Business
Passport Copies
Furthermore, each shareholder, director, and manager involved in the business needs to supply copies of their passports. For non-residents, it is usually necessary to have these passport copies notarized and attested in both their country of origin and, occasionally, in the UAE as well.
Visa and Entry Stamp or Emirates ID
No Objection Certificate (NOC)
Additionally, each shareholder, director, and manager involved in the business needs to submit copies of their passports. For non-residents, it is usually necessary to notarize and attest these copies in both their country of origin and, occasionally, in the UAE as well.
Proof of Initial Approval
This document comes from the Department of Economic Development (DED) or the relevant Free Zone or Offshore authority, and it indicates that they have approved the name and activity of the proposed company. Additionally, the Trade Name Reservation includes a certificate that confirms the reservation of the company name.
Trade Name Reservation
Memorandum of Association (MOA)/Local Service Agent Agreement
Business Plan
Lease Agreement
Bank Reference and Financial Statements
Licenses and Certifications
Approvals from Other Governmental Authorities
Certain types of businesses might require additional approvals from relevant ministries or authorities. For example, a pharmaceutical company might need approval from the Ministry of Health.
The exact set of documents and the process can vary significantly based on the specifics of each case. It’s also essential to keep in mind that the UAE legal system might require official Documents. to be translated into Arabic by a legal translator and attested for use. Given the complexity and variation in requirements, potential business owners are often advised to consult with a local business setup consultant or legal advisor who can provide up-to-date and detailed guidance tailored to the specific business activity and jurisdiction within the UAE. This ensures a smooth registration process and compliance with all local laws and regulations.