UAE: Residency Visa Holders Staying Outside Country for Over 6 Months Can Now Apply for Re-entry Permit

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently introduced a significant policy change that allows residency visa holders who have stayed outside the country for over 6 months to apply for a re-entry permit. This new regulation comes as a relief for many expatriates who faced challenges due to the previous restrictions.


The ICP also recently standardised the fine on overstaying visas in the country to Dh50. Tourist and visit visa holders who overstay will pay Dh50 a day instead of Dh100, and those overstaying on a residency visa will have to pay double — Dh50 a day instead of Dh25.

Understanding the UAE Residency Visa

In the UAE, residency visas are crucial for expatriates to legally reside and work in the country. There are various types of residency visas, including employment visas, investor visas, and family visas. These visas not only grant permission to stay in the UAE but also provide access to essential services such as healthcare and education.

Previous Regulations Regarding Staying Outside UAE for Over 6 Months

Before the implementation of the new policy, residency visa holders who stayed outside the UAE for more than 6 months risked automatic visa cancellation. This rule often created difficulties for individuals who had to travel for extended periods due to work commitments, family emergencies, or other reasons. Reapplying for a visa after cancellation was a cumbersome and time-consuming process.

New Policy: Re-entry Permit for Residency Visa Holders

The recent policy change allows residency visa holders to apply for a re-entry permit if they have been outside the UAE for over 6 months. This permit enables them to return to the country without facing visa cancellation. The introduction of the re-entry permit aims to provide flexibility to expatriates while ensuring the continuity of their residency status.

Application Process for Re-entry Permit

Applying for a re-entry permit is a straightforward process. Visa holders need to submit an application through the relevant government portal or authorized service centers. Required documents typically include a valid passport, visa copy, Emirates ID, and proof of residency status. Once approved, the re-entry permit allows individuals to return to the UAE within a specified period.

Impact of the Policy Change

The new policy has several positive implications for expatriates and the UAE economy. It reduces the stress and uncertainty faced by visa holders who need to travel outside the country for extended periods. Moreover, it promotes stability and continuity in the workforce, benefiting businesses and industries across various sectors.

FAQs about the Re-entry Permit Policy

Can all residency visa holders apply for a re-entry permit?

Yes, the re-entry permit is available to all residency visa holders who have stayed outside the UAE for over 6 months.

How long is the re-entry permit valid for?

The validity period of the re-entry permit may vary but is typically sufficient for individuals to return to the UAE within a reasonable timeframe.

Is there a fee for applying for a re-entry permit?

Yes, there may be a nominal fee associated with the application process for the re-entry permit.

Can the re-entry permit be extended if needed?

Extension of the re-entry permit may be possible under certain circumstances, subject to approval from the relevant authorities.

What happens if a residency visa holder fails to obtain a re-entry permit before returning to the UAE?

Without a valid re-entry permit, individuals risk visa cancellation and may need to reapply for a new visa to enter the country.


The introduction of the re-entry permit for residency visa holders staying outside the UAE for over 6 months is a positive development that enhances flexibility and convenience for expatriates. This policy change reflects the UAE’s commitment to creating a supportive environment for residents and fostering economic growth.

Source: Khaleej Times
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